NMA.vc - New Model Acceleration provides the best solutions for startup-driven innovation!

NMA.vc - New Model Acceleration provides the best solutions for startup-driven innovation!

Since 2015 we successfully accelerate early stage tech startups. Based on our experience we deliver innovation services to corporates and startups. We constantly develop and expand our model, from acceleration and early-stage investments to venture clienting - we have the right solution for you!

Started as the next media accelerator, we ran an early-stage acceleration program for media and marketing startups. From 2015 until 2021 we invested in and worked with 78 startups from Europe, Israel and the US whom we connected with the German speaking media industry.

We confidently grew to be the leading pan-European startup program for innovation in media & marketing and built a strong ecosystem of startups, media partners, mentors and investors.

From 2020 until 2023 we were part of two pan-European initiatives, STADIEM and Media Futures.

We have successfully developed a strong international network and community in media & marketing. Now we are carrying our learnings into other industries and new services.

We are proud to be the official hub for GAN in Europe, a highly curated community of accelerators, venture studios, partners and investors.

With them and several other partners on board in the USA, Europe and Israel, we aim to become the largest hub for startup-driven innovation in Europe.

Meet the Management



Managing Partner

NICO hasn’t been offline since 1995. He likes exploring new things and has been a part of the German startup scene for 20 years. Nico started his career in online marketing, then pioneered blogging and Social Media in Germany. He has been scouting, advising and investing in startups since 2000 and is our expert for startup products and business models.



Managing Partner

CHRISTOPH has a degree in business mathematics and shows a track record as consultant and entrepreneur in digital media and communication industries since 1999. His focus is to connect our startups with corporates and investors to foster the digital innovation landscape while he is at the same time responsible for running the NMA operations.


Premier hub for startup-driven innovation.

INFORMATION - Imprint Data Privacy

CONTACT - info@nma.vc +491784497585 NMA Venture Capital GmbH Am Sandtorkai 27 D-29457 Hamburg


(c) 2024 NMA Venture Capital GmbH

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