How do you easily bring complex news to a young audience? Make it a comic!

NMA alumni team Tebeox (NMA Batch 9) creates news comics on complex topics such as the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the Fight against Climate Change and the Assault on Capitol Hill. The startup has cooperated with numerous publishers already.

In the dpa research project #UseTheNews, Tebeox partnered up with German Publisher Group ZGO (Zeitungsgruppe Ostfriesland).

We asked Tebeox CEO and co-founder Milegny Castro to share some insights on the collaboration with ZGO.


Zoom-Interview with Tebeox Co-Founder Milegny:

What service do you offer with Tebeox News?

We can break down highly complex topics into lively comic images that are easy to understand – especially historic events. For instance, we created a piece on the tear down of the Berlin wall. Also, events we can plan for within the creation process are in the realm of our expertise.

How did you become part of Use the News?

Since the NMA is a partner of #UseTheNews there was a connection already. We then got introduced to Lars Reckermann and his team and quickly decided to kick off a project together in order to help ZGO increase its reach within the younger target audience.

Which task did you get from the ZGO?

ZGO wanted to graphically display the inauguration of Joe Biden in the United States. When we started creating it, we were interrupted by the events of the Capitol Hill assault. We then had to quickly adapt the storyline of the comic in order to make it fit the recent events.


This is what the inauguration comic looked like (Screenshot/Tebeox).

What were the challenges during the project execution?

Even though we are working with professional translators, it sometimes can get tricky juggling between different languages. But we keep on getting better and better in it. Also, we were able to closely work with Lars Reckermann and his team at ZGO  who helped in checking the translations.

Where is Tebeox at the moment?

We are raising a Seed Round at the moment. This is of course our main focus business-wise. Apart from that, we are constantly improving our app, planning an online comic event and working on Tebeox News.


Lars Reckermann of ZGO

on the joint project: „Displaying super complex, highly political events in an entertaining way, providing an impulse and directly addressing a young audience with a modern format that is what we successfully achieved with the Inauguration comic. Besides the full page comic, we used all the images for an Instagram story as well. During this, the access times increased significantly. The collaboration with Tebeox and their super quick and flexible adaptation to current events (Assault on the Capitol) went extremely well.”

About #UseTheNews:

The  #UseTheNews project and its underlying national study was initiated by the dpa (German Press Agency). It is executed with partners from media and media research. The overall goal is to examine news consumption and news expertise in the digital age as well as to deduct new formats especially for the younger target audience from the research and project insights.

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