NMA portfolio company AdTriba raises 4 million Euro funding


It’s official:


, a SaaS solution for holistic marketing measurement and optimization, raised a new round of funding of around 4 million Euros. Together with legacy investors Lightfield Equity, Jens Schumann, lead investor High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) and Innovationsstarter Fonds Hamburg (IFH),

Seed + speed Ventures

, and

Aschendorff NEXT

are investing in the Hamburg-based startup. Numerous brands like DIE ZEIT, FlixBus, reBuy, Medion, and many more already rely on AdTriba.


AdTriba’s CEO

János Moldvay

does not want to leave marketing optimization and evaluation to the big ad platforms. He is proud of the partnership with the two new investors: “Welcome on board, we are very happy to continue to take off with you internationally!"

We at the NMA congratulate AdTriba on their latest milestone!


The startup was part of the NMA’s very first startup batch in 2015. After less than half a year, the startup already received a 600.000 Euro seed investment by High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF). Since then, AdTriba successfully developed a SaaS solution for holistic marketing measurement and optimization, customer journey analysis, and cross-channel performance reporting.

The company was founded in 2015 by János Moldvay (CEO) and Ludwig Ostrowski (CTO). On their website, the AdTriba founders describe the participation in the first NMA batch as “the decisive impulse to found the company."

Cheers to the whole AdTriba team! We're proud that you are part of the NMA network.

Graphics: AdTriba/NMA, Giphy